Get a tarot reading at the Fiber Witch Market!
Our tarot readers will be available all day at the Tarot Stage on the 2nd floor at Old Town Hall.
Thank you to our 2024 Tarot Readers!
Alyse Grimm
Alyse has been a practicing Pagan and witch for 20 years and has been reading tarot professionally for 10+ years. In addition to that she has led groups and workshops on various topics within Paganism around New England. Alyse has also facilitated for two covens.
Alyse lives in Salem, MA and is the creator behind, and When Alyse isn't creating, she likes to spend her time reading books about mindset work and psychology, doing junk journaling, eating sushi as often as possible and napping with her cat.
Rebekah Heather
Rebekah Heather has been a practicing witch and tarot reader for over 30 years. A Pisces, she combines traditional meanings of the cards with modern intuitive interpretations for unique readings tailored to every client.
Nicole Luna
Nicole Luna has facilitated readings for clients all over the world through her business @highestgoodreadings. A life long seeker of hidden knowledge, Nicole began her journey in occult studies in her early teens. She has since refined her knowledge of a number of divinatory systems through her practice as a Witch and evolving ability to channel spirit. Nicole is is the proud owner of Modern Magic Aacademy, a spiritual event space in downtown Salem. Join Nicole for a 15 minute reading at this years festival. Readings will examine current challenges & shed light on possibilities that await you in the future. Come with specific questions or an open heart!
Special Thanks to our Tarot Reading Sponsor: